Article sections
- 教师要为人师表,进入课堂要仪表整洁、着装得体、头发结扎或盘发、教课中必需穿Times Logo的练功服和练功鞋;
- 教师在教学过程中不会客、不聊天、不把玩手机等与教学无关的事情,课间要时刻关注学生的安全问题;
- 教师在上课时要提前20分钟到达课堂,不擅离教室,认真记录好学生的出勤情况;
- 教师在放学后交接课要认真负责,严格做好学生与家长的交接工作;
- 教师要尊重学生的人格、尊重学生的个性发展,不得讥讽、打击、辱骂学生,给孩子们一视同仁的发展和锻炼的机会,引导孩子们真正的成长;
- 教师应课前备好课,杜绝上课的随意性,按时完成阶段性教学任务(如:考级,比赛,表演),达到专业培训的目的,使学生一课一得,课课有得;
- 教师在授课方法上,即要研究教法,也要研究学法,应该科学性、知识性、趣味性为一体,使每位学生能够爱学、肯学、学得好、学得扎实;
- 教师授课必须教学目的清楚,与考级内容,比赛内容相结合,对教材的讲解,要符合循序渐进的教学规律:根据每年度的考级级别,由浅入深,由易到难,由简到繁,由单一到组合,由局部到整体等;
- 教师要接受学校教学系统负责人的教学工作检查与指导,Dance sport负责人Patrick Liu. 教师之间要互相学习,取长补短,听取意见,改进教学工作;
- 教师请假,须学校批准,妥善安排好交接课;
- 教师需要写教学笔记,定期对自己的教学进行反思,总结和归纳,尤其是自己的得失方面,学生的优缺点方面都必须认真对待,提出改进意见;
- 学生不可以擅自带出学校上课,一经发现,开除本校教师资格。
- Teachers should behave properly and appropriately towards the students, well dressed, tied up hair when dancing. During class teachers are required to have dressing with Times Logo.
- During class time, teachers are not permitted to see friends, chat, or on their phone as well as any other things that are not related to teaching, most importantly always paying attention to the safety of all students.
- Teachers are expected to arrive to class 20 minutes in advance, not to leave the class during lessons, and carefully recording the students’ attendance.
- After class having been dismissed, teachers must be responsible for the students after class until their parents has arrived.
- Teachers must respect each student, and mustn’t ridicule, attack, or abuse any students under any circumstances. Provide student the opportunity and a safe environment to develop and lead them through their difficulties.
- Teachers are required to prepare materials for the class the day before. Preventing a disorganized lesson. Complete the staged teaching tasks on time(such as level examination, competition, performance etc.), and achieve the purpose of professional training, so that students can learn and develop through every class.
- Teachers must reflect, plan and study their ways of teaching. It should be able to combine scientific, intellectual and interesting teaching methods to improve the enthusiasm of each student and allow the students to make solid progress.
- Teachers must have a clear purpose in teaching, consider with the content of examination or competition, the difficulties should be arranged reasonably. The difficulties should be arranged from simple to hard and progressing in an orderly manner and pace.
- Teacher should accept inspection and guidance from Patrick Liu who are the person in charge of the school teaching system. The teachers are advised to learn from each other, listening to opinions, and improve teaching abilities.
- When an individual teacher is absent, must get the school’s approval, and properly arrange the handover work to substitute staff.
- Teacher should write teaching diaries, and regularly reflect on their own teaching qualities, summarizing each aspect and field, in terms of gains and losses. Teachers must notice the advantages and disadvantages of the students carefully and make necessary improvements if needed.
- Teachers may not take students outside of school grounds without authorization, such action once discovered, the staff member will be dismissed from teaching at the school.
in 学校规定