Times Performance Art Academy strictly complies with the directions of the Chief Health Officer and adheres to the Victorian State Government’s Restricted Activity Directions to ensure a Covid-19 safe environment


  1. Please DO NOT visit the Studio if you have a fever or symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath).  You may be asked to leave if you present with these symptoms and are unwell.
  2. To limit time and person-to-person contact on site, the participants must arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class time.
  3. DROP, DANCE and DASH.  We ask that parents/guardians drop and dash.  However, if you need to enter the studio, you will need to check-in with our QR code.  Upon entry, wear a mask and socially distance.  There is no need to check-in your children as we take attendance at the beginning of each lesson.  We also ask that only one parent/guardian enters the studio.
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitiser is available at all entry/exit points and easily accessible throughout the studio.
  5. Any studio equipment used, ie. ballet barres, stereo sound systems, must be wiped down at the end of use.
  6. There are cleaning supplies stationed in each studio.
  7. The studio has implemented rigorous cleaning protocols to control the risk of infection within each separate studio area.
  8. Register of attendees – Hirers must keep a register of all attendees with their names, contact details, date and time of attendance, and provide these details to Times Performance Art Academy in the event that we are required to collect tracing information.
  9. Class numbers and studio participant numbers comply with density requirements provided by the Chief Health Officer.