Enrolling with Times Performance Arts Academy, all parents/guardians and students agree to abide by the rules and policies as set out below.



  1. All class costs are per Semester Term. The Studio follows the Victorian Government school semesters.
  2. Payment Methods:
        • Cash
        • Credit Card – VISA and Mastercard
        • Direct Bank Transfer or Deposit :
          Account Name:           Australia Modern
          BSB:                             013 225
          Account No:             485 90 5747
          Reference:               Please indicate name of Student
          Full payment is required to be paid by the 2nd week of each Term.  Late fees of $50.00 will be charged for late payment.
  1. Payments are non-refundable.



  1. All charges (including GST)
    • A registration fee of $50 is payable for new students at the time of enrolment.  This is to ensure that a place is secured for the new student.  We will deduct the $50 fee from your first Semester Term fee at the time of payment of your full fees.
      Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable if in the event you do not proceed to take up lessons.
    • All student fees are charged and invoiced at the beginning of each Semester Term.
    • School Holiday Programs – existing students pay half price.  Non-students pay full
    • Casual Rates – $30 per hour.
    • We offer a 10% discount to families that have 2 or more siblings enrolled.
    • Full-year payment is entitled to a 5% discount.  Payment must be paid by the 31st
    • You are entitled to take advantage of one discount pricing only, ie. you can either take advantage of (e) or (f) above, but not both.
    • All tuition fees are payable in advance and must be paid in full by the 2nd week of each
    • Tuition fees are non-refundable except due to unforeseen circumstances and subject to review and approval by the director of the Studio. (Please see point 5 under      Attendance)



  1. Regular attendance is essential for proper dance development. There are no refunds for missed lessons.
  2. If a student missed a class due to illness or school activities, the student may attend a make-up class within the same Semester Term.
  3. We do not offer make up classes if the student missed 2 or more classes due to the fact that each class has different combinations and routines.
  4. Make-up classes are only available if another class of the same type is offered. No additional classes will be created.
  5. If a student is ill and required to withdraw from lessons, and subject to provision of a doctor’s certificate, we will deduct 20% from the paid fees and the balance will be refunded.



  1. Uniform: All students must wear the Studio uniform during classes :-
    • Ballet –
      Intro 1 & 2, Grade 1 & 2Girls: Pink Leotards & Skirts, Nude Tights

      Boys: White Leotards & Black Tights

      Grade 3, 4 & 5Girls: Blue Leotards & Skirts, Nude Tights

      Boys: White Leotards & Black Tights

      TeenagerGirls: Purple Leotards & Skirts, White Tights Boys: White Leotards & Black Tights
    • Latin –
      Girls:  Times Performing Arts Academy logo black T-shirts & black skirts
      Boys:  Times Performing Arts Academy logo black T-shirts & black pants
    • Dance Shoes – appropriate shoes according to class curriculum

The Studio has a range of dance attires and accessories.  Please check at reception or our Uniform List for more information.

  1. Performance: Students must wear the Studio’s performance costumes.  The Studio will arrange for the costumes.  No fees is charged as this cost is included in the annual performance fee payable.
  2. Competition: Students must wear the costumes as stated under the competition rules.  You are responsible for providing your own costumes.



  1. It is the Studio’s policy that all junior students are encouraged to participate in examinations, performance and competition. In the event if you are not able to participate for specific reasons, please inform the Studio at least a month from such events.  The notification is required to allow us to plan our teaching facilities.
  2. The Studio encourages its students (7 years old and above) to participate in different levels of dance competition during the year. We will evaluate each and every student of his/her abilities and advise the students the level of competition he/she is suitable to participate accordingly.  Students are responsible for payment of the registration fees and competition costumes for each competition.



  1. Students participate in classes, events, activities and performances at their own risk. The Studio will not be held liable for any injuries sustained.
  2. In the event an individual (students, staff and parent/guardians) sustain an accident or injury, an ambulance may be called on their behalf and the individual affected will be liable for any cost incurred. We highly recommend students and their families have an ambulance subscription.   The Studio is no liable for any ambulance or medical costs.
  3. Students with any medical conditions must notify the Studio and provide the Studio with a treatment/management plan.
  4. All students, parent/guardians and family members agree to respect all other students, teachers and staff.
  5. Any form of abuse or bullying will not be tolerated at the Studio. Any occasions where this is brought to our attention may result in the individual responsible to be asked to leave the Studio immediately and not permitted to re-enrol in the future.
  6. Child protection laws prevent photos or video recordings of children other than your own. Unless permission is sought by all students’ parents/guardians, there is to be no photography or video taken whilst students are in class excluding staff members.  Photography and videos taken at performances are not be uploaded onto any social media platform without concealing the identity of other students or seeking permission from all parties, including teachers and the principal of the Studio regarding copyright of routines and costumes.
  7. The use of alcohol, drugs and smoking is prohibited whilst inside our Studio.



Times Dance aim to provide a happy and safe environment where children can learn to dance.  We believe children have the right to be safe and secure and free from threat, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.  Times Dance will act with integrity, treating children with respect, listening to their concerns and acting upon them.

Times Dance Code of Conduct commitment to students and parents will ensure that students will receive professional tuition from a qualified teacher with appropriate facilities following safe practice.  A copy of this policy is available on our website.

Times Dance has procedures in place to help any child who appears to be at risk or appears to be the victim of abuse.  We will provide help and support if any child tells us they are affected by these issues.  Times Dance Managing Director is specifically the Responsible Person for child safety and wellbeing.  She can be contacted on 0421 848 805.



It is important to recognise that in some cases, it may not be an adult who is carrying out the abuse.  In the case of bullying, the abuser is often another young person.

Bullying may be defined as deliberate, hurtful behaviour in the form of physical, psychological or aggressive verbal conduct against another person.  Bullying can take many forms but the three main types are physical (eg. Hitting, kicking, theft), verbal (eg. racist or homophobic remarks, threats, name calling) and emotional (eg. isolating an individual from the activities and social acceptance of a peer group).

Victims of bullying are typically shy, timid and sensitive.  Bullies frequently have low self-esteem, are aggressive and manipulative in order to gain power over others.

Teachers hold a position of power in the relationship with their students and must not abuse this position to bully children or vulnerable adults in their care.  An overzealous teacher, or one who resorts to aggressive physical or verbal behaviour, tormenting, humiliating or ignoring a person, may be accused of bullying.  In some instances, parents can bully their children by pushing them too hard.

Symptoms that may indicate that a person is being bullied might include:-

  • Behavioural changes such as a reluctance to attend school or activities previously enjoyed, tearfulness, depression, erratic emotions and loss of concentration.
  • Physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, difficult in sleeping, bed-wetting, bruising, scratching or damaged clothing and bingeing on food, alcohol or cigarettes.
  • Performance level may also drop

Regardless of who the perpetrator might be, the signs of bullying should be reported to a person of responsibility.  It is important that bullying is recognised and appropriate action is taken with anti-bullying strategies.



  1. Enrolling at the Studio, you give consent to use the name and image/video of the student for media and promotion. This will include use on our website and social media platforms.  If you would not like your child’s images and footage to be used, please ensure you tick the relevant field upon your enrolment.
  2. Any parents wishing to post their children on social media may do so unless another student/s is in the same image or video. Before posting either, concealment of the other student’s identity or permission from their parent/guardian must be sought.
  3. Times Dance will adhere to the following rules and guidelines with regards to photography and filming:-
    • Images of children posted to our website, Facebook/Instagram and WeChat page will be identified by their first name only.
    • To reduce the risk of inappropriate use of images, only images deemed suitable will be used.
    • Anyone with an complaints about images posted on our website, facebook/Instagram and WeChat page can speak to Times Dance Managing Director, Nancy Wang, and the images will be removed immediately.
    • Anyone concern about inappropriate use of images can report the matter to the Managing Director and procedures will be followed to report the matter to appropriate authority.
    • The expectations for parents or spectators who wish to take photographs or film at an event are to avoid inappropriate or intrusive photography. Any child or parent who has concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography must report their concerns to the Managing Director who will act in the same manner as they would with any other child protection concern.



  1. In the event a pandemic or epidemic occurs during our training year which requires a Government lockdown, the Studio will endeavour to continue to provide live/pre recorded classes/materials via our Zoom.
  2. Whilst working off our Covid-19 contingency plan, timetables and classes may be altered/combined/shortened or cancelled.
  3. As the Studio will continue to offer our services online, term fees will be non-refundable. We understand some students are adverse to online learning and choose to not participate, however, please in mind that the Studio will not provide any credits or refunds for classes not attended.
  4. The Studio will adhere to any rules or regulations put in place by the Government at all times.



  1. Class etiquette – students must wear tights and shoes (compulsory), hair tied up with hairpin and hairnet.
  2. Students are not allowed to bring/wear watches and any form of jewellery to class.
  3. Students are advised not to bring any valuable items to the Studio. Any loss or damage of such items is not the responsible of the Studio.
  4. All personal belongs, eg. bags, shoes and clothes, etc. are to be placed neatly along the walls to prevent any tripping hazard.
  5. Students are not allowed to bring food or drink into the Studio.
  6. Students who are not able to attend class must notify the Studio either by telephone or text message via WeChat prior to the commencement of the class.
  7. We have a no parents’ policy in class as the students get very distracted. Parents are advised to drop off and picked up his/her child immediately after class.